Join the Big Blackpool Beach Clean and Make a Difference!

Welcome to the Official Website for the Big Blackpool Beach Clean

Are you passionate about keeping our beaches clean and protecting the environment? Look no further! The Big Blackpool Beach Clean is the perfect opportunity for you to make a difference and contribute to the preservation of our beautiful coastline.

What is the Big Blackpool Beach Clean?

The Big Blackpool Beach Clean is an annual event organized by a group of dedicated volunteers who are committed to maintaining the cleanliness and sustainability of Blackpool’s beaches. The event aims to raise awareness about the importance of keeping our beaches free from litter and promote responsible waste disposal.

During the Big Blackpool Beach Clean, participants gather at designated locations along the shoreline to collect and remove litter. The event is open to people of all ages, making it a great opportunity for families, friends, and community groups to come together and work towards a common goal.

Why is the Big Blackpool Beach Clean important?

Our beaches are not only important for recreational activities but also serve as habitats for a diverse range of marine life. Unfortunately, litter and plastic pollution pose a significant threat to these fragile ecosystems. The Big Blackpool Beach Clean plays a vital role in protecting our beaches, wildlife, and the overall health of our oceans.

By participating in the Big Blackpool Beach Clean, you can help prevent harmful materials from entering the marine environment and reduce the risk of marine animals ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic debris. Additionally, the event helps to educate the public about the importance of reducing waste, recycling, and adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives.

How can you get involved?

Getting involved in the Big Blackpool Beach Clean is easy! Simply visit our website and register as a volunteer. You will receive all the necessary information, including the date, time, and location of the event. On the day of the beach clean, make sure to dress appropriately, wear sunscreen, and bring your own reusable gloves and bags for collecting litter.

During the event, you will have the opportunity to work alongside like-minded individuals who share your passion for the environment. It’s a great chance to meet new people, make a positive impact, and have fun while doing so!

Even if you are unable to attend the event, you can still support the Big Blackpool Beach Clean by spreading the word on social media, encouraging others to participate, and promoting responsible waste management practices.


The Big Blackpool Beach Clean is an important initiative that brings people together to protect our beaches and marine life. By participating in this annual event, you can contribute to the preservation of our coastal environment and create a positive impact for future generations. Join us in making a difference and help keep our beaches clean!

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