Join the Big Blackpool Beach Clean and Make a Difference

Welcome to the Official Website for the Big Blackpool Beach Clean

Are you passionate about keeping our beaches clean and preserving the beauty of our coastal environment? Look no further! The Big Blackpool Beach Clean is here to make a difference. Join us in our mission to create a cleaner and healthier beach for everyone to enjoy.

What is the Big Blackpool Beach Clean?

The Big Blackpool Beach Clean is an annual event organized by a group of dedicated volunteers who are committed to keeping Blackpool’s beach pristine. Our goal is to raise awareness about the impact of litter on our environment and encourage people to take action.

During the event, participants come together to collect and safely dispose of litter found on the beach. We provide all the necessary equipment, including gloves, bags, and litter pickers, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Why is Beach Cleaning Important?

Beach cleaning is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to protect marine life. Plastic waste and other debris can be harmful to marine animals, causing injury or even death. By removing litter from the beach, we prevent it from entering the ocean and posing a threat to marine ecosystems.

Secondly, beach cleaning helps to maintain the aesthetic appeal of our beaches. Blackpool is known for its stunning coastline, attracting tourists from all over the world. By keeping our beaches clean, we enhance the overall experience for visitors and locals alike.

Lastly, beach cleaning is an opportunity to educate and inspire others. By actively participating in the Big Blackpool Beach Clean, you become an advocate for environmental stewardship. You can share your experience with others and encourage them to make a difference in their own communities.

How Can You Get Involved?

Participating in the Big Blackpool Beach Clean is easy! Simply visit our website and sign up for our next event. We host regular clean-up days throughout the year, so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.

In addition to joining our clean-up events, you can also support our cause by spreading the word. Share our website and social media pages with your friends and family, and encourage them to join us in our mission to keep Blackpool’s beach clean.

Furthermore, you can make a difference in your everyday life by practicing responsible waste disposal. Reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever possible. Avoid single-use plastics and opt for eco-friendly alternatives. Every small action counts!


The Big Blackpool Beach Clean is more than just a clean-up event. It is a movement that aims to create lasting change in our community. By working together, we can make a significant impact on the health and beauty of our beaches. Join us today and be a part of something bigger!

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